Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's all crap.

Or, at least I thought so earlier today. With those thoughts, the belly from Hell, and my wanting to wear a sports bra, it's feeling a lot like PMS. I called my Mom to have her 'talk me down' from the ledge of self-pity. She wasn't home, so I took a nap, then started on the below mentioned mitten. I got this far: then ripped and did a do-over, which is really what's pictured. The Polarspun ruffle wasn't ruffly, so I decided to rib it instead.

Then, as if that's not enough of a Work In Progress, I undid this sleeve:
This is a sweater rescued from my in-law's basement. I'd made it for my father-in-law and the sleeves were too long. My mother-in-law was totally sympathetic, since it was a 'recipe' I'd never knitted before then. So I had beloved Hubs try it on tonight to get an idea where the sleeves should go.

I've not written a single word on the NaNoWriMo. I have some issues with my writing, mostly because of former friends. Once I get this started and finished, those issues will be put to rest in my mind. In the meantime, I've been mulling over the story in my mind, so once I do start, it'll be tough to stop.

The beginning knitting went well. I had a couple of knitters that were a bit beyond beginning and they helped teach the others. I don't like that for a couple of reasons. Teaching students is MY job. I'm earning money for this and I don't like others doing my work. The other is, there's a method to my madness. I teach the single cast on, with the yarn going over the palm, around the thumb, then the needle tip drags from pinky to thumb to pick up the yarn laying over the palm. I DON'T teach this single cast on method because the first row is too tight for beginners and it tempts them to twist the stitch. Then, for the knit stitch, the crocheters want to knit Continental, while most others try to English it. To give them the basic movements, I teach the wrap-around method, holding the yarn against the needle getting the new stitches. As long as they get the concept, then they can decide which method they prefer. I make sure I show them the three methods and explain how they differ.

I need to review the twisting of stitches for the Continental. I knit English, so couldn't accurately answer the why and how of the twists when someone wanted to do Continental. I really don't like not having a good answer, so I like questions that stretch me. Everyone was negative about their abilities, which was silly, since these were the first stitches most of them had ever done. I reassured them they were doing great and that mistakes were to be expected.

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