aka, Friday fun. Which means, picture time! To be honest, I've not been able to enjoy the great weather due to migraines. Gotta love the monthly reminder I'm female. <-sarcasm
So anyway, there's been some knitting, some cleaning, and a lot of sleeping. When all of the above hasn't been happening, I've been goofing around on
Ravelry, that really cool knit site. While my beloved Hubs created me something like this for Christmas one year, it's very exclusive and has invoicing and order capabilities. More of a small business application. There, like on Ravelry, I've not inventoried my stash, instead relying on a simple Word table. Even now, I need to update the Word to be even with the Ravelry, never mind the QuickKnitted application (Hubs created).
Wow! Totally interesting, huh? So anyway, Ravelry is very cool, but also a great addiction. There's groups of knitters who have the same interests like, beagles, Law & Order:SVU, and Monty Pythons. It's a place to hide and share your obsession over the pups and shows. There are other 'obsessions' like certain knit designers, a type of yarn, even geographical locations. That's fun. There's a lot of things to love, but what's THE best is the cross referencing. Say I have a pattern I want to do, but have so much in my yarn pile that I should use some from there. I find the pattern in Ravelry, click on "Yarns", and that shows what everyone else who did that project used as yarn for that particular item. With pictures, no less. Who doesn't LOVE pretty pictures?
Speaking of which... I still want that digital Pentax SLR, but, haven't had the self-control to stop buying yarn and save for it. In the meantime, here's what the camera phone snapped:
Look who's matchy-matchy! I think she likes her jacket! Whew! It's not been a ton of work, but still. I made it out of Red Heart just to be long-wearing and washable. Plus, if something disasterous happens, I can reknit it.
One of my beloved Simply Lovely Lace Socks has a hole in the ball of the foot, finally. I'd wondered how long I could wear these once a week before one of them wore out. The weird thing is, the night before I found the hole, I'd dreamed one of them frayed a huge hole in the back of the heel. ::cue the Halloween music::
This is pure glee. The Red Heart Strata is what I'd made Fry's jacket above in, and my own little matching Jaywalker as a show off. I can't WAIT to get started on this, making it into a pullover with no hood, instead. While Frygirl is a hoodie type gal, I'm a pullover type, myself. Later, I'll have to dig up Hubby's yarn for his matching pullover and socks.
Here's my sweet baby terrorizing the cat. She's been teasing him so much with a yoyo, he rowrs at her when she walks by him. At that, she'll go "What?" and I laugh. She's on spring break as of noon today, so by next next Monday, one of them will be injured. My bet is on the girl. Notice her lovely nails? We had a Girl's Day Out a week ago and I let her get the fakes. I'm trying to break her habit of chewing. She doesn't like the color, while I do, but she does like the nails. I'll have to repaint hers sometime today.
I have such a lovely kitchen for it to look this bad, hm? This was taken long enough ago that all the dishes are now washing, the extra yarn is back in Stashville, and Fry has some of her stuff on the island. Left on the island are books to read and study for my own writing, how to draw and paint books as a refresher, this month's magazines, loose catalogues and papers,
my control journal, and home improvement articles.
Here is a wonderful quote for dealing with the horror in the photo above.
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt