Wednesday, November 13, 2002


Blah blah blah

I got very little done yesterday. I made the beds, drank the lemon water crap, finished the wall hanging sets, and did the wall hanging class. Everyone had a good time, even though everyone didn't participate, and I sold a few sets. One lady bought three sets as Christmas gifts and I said it was fine to just mail me a check.

Later, I realized, if I can't count on my BEST FRIEND to pay me $25 of the $1000+ she owes, how can I count on a stranger paying me $30?

Stupid is not knowing any better, idiot is when you do know better and go ahead anyway. I'm such a moron.

Anyway, by the time the class had ended, I'd taken four Midrin and one little 'new' painkiller that really doesn't work. The Midrin worked fine, but the stuff leaves me groggy. It's why after everyone got home, we went to our local grocery store for their open house (free snacks and they were GOOD), then home where the only thing I did was knit on my child's mittens.

The one thing I did do on Monday was stop by the pharmacy, a VERY good idea. After that, we went to eat at the Golden Corral where the diet died a quiet death for the night, and we stopped by HD for plumber's putty.

The sink is now fixed. No leaks!!!! Plus, I have a new garbage disposal that really works!

Yesterday, I made a couple of apple crisps. Miss V wanted to make me a fruit plate where she cuts up any fruit in the house, and ended up slicing an entire bag of apples. I had my head on an ice pack until hubs got home, smelled apples, and lo, there were apples. I cut them up a little more and did the oats, sugar, flour and butter thing. We ate some after the grocery party, then watched a movie (the headaches destroy my memory, oh wait, it was Cheech and Chong and I still wonder what's so funny about them...), while I knitted on child's mittens. She doesn't want me to buy any for her, she wants to wait until I finish hers. So, that's what I'm doing.

Before classtime, and since I was in the area, I went to a yarn store in Independence. I found the most delicious mohair yarn that was just beautiful. It'll make a fantastic lace shawl for my Mom, but that's not what she's getting for Christmas, just in case she's reading this. :D I really must allocate tons of time for the Christmas gifts, and I'd like to get them done by December 15th for mailing. That leaves me a month, which isn't really very long, yarnwise. :(

Since I've been a bum today and yesterday, getting nearly nothing done, (especially today with the groggy and still headachy feeling) I'm just cutting and pasting the Monday's list to go by. Right now, I'm downloading some Sims stuff for fun, but I'm not playing Sims until I get all of the below finished.

Concerning diet, Monday bad diet day, Tuesday ate very little due to Midrin, today had no carbs and stuck to diet. Have lost 0 lbs since Friday.

Today's List:
The usual with added Wednesday tasks:

Food (low fat low carb to get to low weight, doing good so far today)
Make beds
Pick up clothes
Hang up clothes
Dishes and counter
Lemon water
80 oz water
30 mins of aerobics (this makes my head pound and I'm not so sure I want to do this)
Evening face and tooth maint

Leftovers from the weekend:
Clean out linen closet
Oil change
Vacuum the car
Put together dresser in V's room
Put away the other clothes
Plant new bulbs
Dishes during the day
Dust better
Iron clothes
Read Plainsong for United We Read program tomorrow
Talk to sister about watching the child during hub's Christmas party.

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race