Monday, November 11, 2002

Ok, Saturday and Sunday.

I know I did something, just don't remember what. ;)

Taking by the previous paragraphs.....

Finished one of Mom's mittens, started on my kid's because they're smaller and the child keeps getting the sniffles. If I don't get them done today or tomorrow, I'm just buying her a pair and saying to heck with it. I did get her to clean up her room and I vacuumed it today.

I didn't get anything but the usual dishes, then cleaning sinks, tubs, toilets, and mirrors because the garbage disposal had been leaking since the 'spoon' incident. Went to Home Depot to get disposal, installed it, the other sink's drain just 'fell' off, I kid you not. So back to HD, tried to install new pipe, wrong size, went back to HD and tried again. By this time, it was Sunday (it all started on Saturday) and the sink still leaks at the drain. So, I'm going back sometime this afternoon after cutting my wallhanging fabric for tomorrow's 2:00pm class and before Small Fry comes home.

I did wash the car, but ran out of quarters so I had to come home to rinse it. I transplanted my roses like I'd wanted from the patch in the middle of the yard, also dug up the flags' bulbs. Still need to plant my new bulbs, but at least I'd bought potting soil for the movable containers I want to plant them in. Michael's is next to Home Depot (yes, I live in a perfect world.) and I bought little baskets for the bathroom. We put our 'used' daily items in those to keep them in order.

Husband fixed dinner on Saturday (I was in a mood after my third HD trip), and my sister came over to fix chicken and dumplings (some of which I'll eat today, lucky me). It was fab. One of the sinks is working, so I can still do dishes. :D

I have a tough time crossing things off like "clean the car" or "vaccum" because if I didn't do EVERYTHING (see below's diatribe) for the car, or get every inch of carpet in the home clean, I don't feel like those things can be called done. The good thing is that they are reoccurring, so I can do more the next day that task comes around.

I'd missed vacuuming on Saturday so I did that this morning and did every floor possible. :D Very cool. Also did some dusting, but didn't get obsessive, just brushed spider webs. Already did the lemon water and made the bed, yay, plus, I'd missed cleaning the basement's bathroom, so I took care of that, too. Since then, I've been cutting fabric for class mentioned earlier.

The omelette was hideous, didn't eat that, diet was out of whack, being good some hours, not so good others. Today is great so far, not a single carb in the bunch. :)

Today's List:
The usual
Food (yada yada yada, low fat low carb to get to low weight)
Make beds (did one, one to go)
Pick up clothes (done)
Hang up clothes (done)
Dishes and counter (done for now)
Lemon water (done)
80 oz water (doing)
Stretch (at this point I'd settle for once a day since the morning and evening isn't working out)
30 mins of aerobics (crap, forgot about this today, I think I may pop in a dance CD and the kid and I can groove out for 30 mins)
Evening face and tooth maint (didn't do this at all over the weekend, MUST do tonight)

Leftovers from the weekend:
Finish wallhangings
Clean out linen closet (to fit in blankets)
Oil change
Vacuum the car (inside our garage and I have to 'modify' the Kirby)
Fix sink (another HD trip)
Put together dresser in V's room
Put away the other clothes
Plant new bulbs
Dishes during the day
Dust better
Get trash ready for pickup
Iron clothes (I'd settle for just a few shirts, there's closetfuls of clothes to do)
Read Plainsong for United We Read program on Thursday
Talk to sister about watching the child during hub's Christmas party.
Get various migraine prescriptions filled just in case I get a headache.

I did happen to make out my gift list for Christmas, and have nearly everything picked out.. :D

From using my hands as a pipe wrench, plus digging up the rosebushes, my hands ache. The cutting fabric thing isn't doing wonders for me, either. Everything else is fine, but this post is going to be short because each letter here is a little ow ow ow. :D It'll be fun tomorrow just to see how much I get done.

P. S. Knitting hurts a tad, but not much or enough to keep me from the yarn. :D

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