Friday, August 18, 2006

A day late and a dollar short.

Oh thank all that's holy this birthday week is over. I'm exhausted and stuffed to the gills with food. Red Lobster and a massive birthday cake on Monday, pizza delivery on Wednesday (only a medium, but still), Chuck E Cheese's yesterday for the Birthday Girl, and riding around on her new bike. Me, since it's a bit tall for her and she's a bit afraid. That's cool. Eventually she'll ride around on it. In the meantime and until new tires for our bikes get ordered and on, I'll ride around. When a gal has grown up on petal brakes, the handlebar ones are fun. Or at least, Toppa and Fry get a kick out of me trying to stop.

Bla bla bla! On to the pictures. Hubs and I are in the mix, him hugging the FryBaby and me made up as a vampire for Halloween.

Silly little woman.

I love that FryGirl. Now, on to knitting from the first of the summer. Here is the wonderful Trekking sock at Loose Park on the left, and in Gran's wildflowers on the right.

Here we have a plethora of Jaywalkers. Fry's is the pinky ones, Gran's are the greenish blues, and mine are the navy striped. I have more planned, as soon as I finish the other two God-awful slow ones.


ChelleC said...

Happy Birthday Fry!!! She's a cutie.

Laura said...

She was thrilled to see everyone at SSK today and asked about you, Chelle.

My favorite picture is of her at a week old, in the middle. Gives me babyitis every time I see her little face. It's the picture up above it, where she has two noisemakers in her nose, that really captures the essence of Fryness, though. Anything for a laugh.

Susan said...

She's just adorable! And obviously a source of a lot of joy.

Laura said...

Thanks, Susan! I try not to be too gushy about my own kid, but I adore her. Yeah, she has her moments, like everyone else. She has a good heart and tries to do the right thing. I couldn't ask for a better person to have for my daughter.

Chelle, I'm looking forward to the housewarming party. Also to you carving out the time for next Saturday's SSK. :)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race