Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Red Scarf and resisting the Knitting Olympics

This is what I did yesterday. While I'd wanted to work on Fry's mitten, this compelled me to continue. Not only is it "Just one more row," but also, "Let me finish up this yarn." You'll see the subtle color changes a bit better in the next picture.

There's a knot that needs hiding, too. Ah well, blocking is my friend. There's been lots of progress on the Nordic mit since the last picture. I'll need to post that on Wednesday, too. During the Winter Olympics, the Yarn Harlot is hosting the 2006 Knitting Olympics. A large, overextending part of me wants to sign up this minute. Then the saner part kicks in and wants me to stick to my no UFO policy. We'll see. I might go ahead and pick out a potential Olympic knit project, just in case.

Since all of us were home on Monday, we all went on a cleaning frenzy and the upstairs looks lovely. The downstairs needs work, but could be company clean in 30 minutes. When the cat hasn't been dragging injured mice across the dining room floor, he's been doing the hairball trick. Oh joy. Wednesday's anti-procrastination task is Bisselling the carpets. Maybe all, and certainly in the strategic spots.

Wednesday is also paper delivery day and the excuses have already started! Last week, Fry just KNEW her appendix was ready to burst. Tonight, she's casually mentioned, "Mom, you're home all day, while I only have an hour to deliver all those papers." The newspaper bought another company, and now only comes out once a week. This frees up our Saturdays, sure, so I'm not sympathetic at all. Plus, I'm the one carrying two bags of rolled up newspapers, while she does the tossing. It's a good workout. Still, Fry is already starting with the con. Amazing.

Gosh, my life is exciting. Fine by me, I like my drama in soap opera form only.

Speaking of drama...The latest post 'to' the Grammar Police, me and a couple of others, on the Diary of V forum states that the Grammars must be jealous of wassherface's writing ability. Um, riiiiiight. The comment, though vastly inaccurate, did remind me of my underused fiction writing talent. I've been reading Miss Snark, literary agent all day for inspiration. I have at least three unfinished novels (UFNs), and at least one screenplay to edit. Lately, I've been feeling the urge to write. If I let myself, I'll get a ton of decent story ideas. It's very frustrating coming up with the plots and then not developing them. My writing skills are also out of practice. I may have to write up some test paragraphs to work out the kinks.

South Beach: Day 2. Good both days, but a bit of a cheat with Chicken and Dumplings for dinner. The dumplings were homemade out of mostly whole grain wheat flour ground at the store. The remnants from a near empty bag of refined flour finished up the dumplings' flour requirements without me opening another bag. I think I needed the refined goods, since the so low carbs gave me a headache earlier today. For Mom: Excedrin Migraine kicked the pain, I'm fine. While the food thing wasn't perfect, NO sugar snuck into today's menu. Those Jell-o Sugar Free puddings are a lifesaver. If I can't avoid a certain starch or refined grain entirely, at least I can avoid the sugars.


Camie Vog said...

Hi again,
Noticed that you're on the South Beach Diet. My husband and I have been on it for 2 1/2 weeks. We both have lost 10 lbs. each. We decided to stay on Phase 1 for an extra week. Hang in there, it really does work. Sugar Free pudding became my friend. By the way, I found your site after you commented on my friends blog (Adventures in Shetland Wool).
see ya,

Laura said...

Camie, oooo, you have my envy. While SB is the only diet I lose weight on, losing a lot is like, 5lbs in two weeks. Sigh. I've found that some sugar free items are really bad after a while. Bad.

Hi Snow! Everything has High Fructose Corn Syrup, just to keep the consumers addicted.

I DO want to find an Olympic project, but... Must be strong...

Slow and Steady Wins the Race