Friday, March 17, 2006

Bad Blog! No Soup For You!

Blogger's been down for a couple of days, it's not me being too lazy or wrapped up in Sims 2 to update. Paper route and teaching a class on Thursday, Fry out early for spring break today. With us going to Gran and Pop's on Sunday, there was an oil change, shopping, and then we're having dinner at Jose Pepper's tonight. Nothing says St. Pat's day like Mexican food. Ole'!

Note to Gran: Fry was NOT happy that most UK citizens call their grans "Gran". Her gran is THEEE Gran.

Irish Gaelic is the worst to spell. I can say a few phrases, but type or write them? Nooooo. In honor of Saint Patrick's day, I'll tell you how to say it. Phonetically, it's Lyle ah Porrick. "Lyle ah" sounds like one word on my Irish tape. What's really fun is to listen to Radio ah Gaelgah (again, how it sounds, not spells) and hear words that are familiar. I'm always surprised, because that means I'm actually learning. Who'da thought?

Tomorrow is a birthday party for Fry to attend while I'm off at the knitting group. I'm returning "A Good Yarn" and working on Mom's present. I'm dying to start something else, but must stay focused. By Monday I'll have started something red/pink for the new knitalong, Project Spectrum. That, and I'm pinning down the family this weekend for the great grey unravelling.

Off in the distance, I hear it. In the direction of Jose Pepper's... Guacamole calls my name...

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race