Thursday, June 01, 2006

Don't call it Gimme 5, call it "Potato Chip"

Seriously. Look at these, then tell me that if you could, you'd make a vest in every color.

Then worth a visit is the Colinette site for the original yarn the pattern had been written for. It's amazing and worth the side trip.

When Chelle called saying she has the same vest project in HER queue, did I beg her to start this instant? Well...maybe not THIS instant, but certainly start enough to finish on Saturday's meet. She's a faster knitter than I am, so of course I encouraged her. The girl is trying to pin enabling on me, the word 'great' makes it ok, though. This is so fast and relatively easy, then the colors, I mean, come on! I don't care for vests too much at the moment, but this is lovely. There are a couple of needlepoint vests in my closet that look great with my black blazer, so it's not a vest aversion.

On the menu for today:
Lunch with Toppa (maybe a picnic?)
Panning for 'gold' and fishing at a local farmstead
Making panning for 'gold' results into jewelry.

The panning for 'gold' is really fun. Silly to admit, because we buy baggies of dirt, dump the contents into a wood box with a grate at the bottom. Then, we wash away the dirt by dunking the box into a trough with running water. Fry has a rock polisher, so we have fun with our catch of the day. It's fun being a middle-aged gal leaping about screeching "Bags of dirt, bags of dirt!" in an I'm-at-a-rock-concert sort of way.

Then speaking of catch, I'd forgotten about the fishing at the farm. I kid you not, the perch are trained to take hooks. It's fishing for those with ADHD. It's wonderful, because I've been know to sit there for hours without a bite while trying to fish.

Better run! I have things to do and fish to catch.


Anonymous said...

Um...well...I *did* have a goldminer's pan, made specifically for "panning". And I used it several times. I lost it climbing back up from the "crick". It was actually a lot of fun, and I KNOW I would have found something valuable one day...

ChelleC said...

If you care to see a picture of my un-potato chip version of Take Five, go hop over to my blog and see it. Ugh - yeah, it's there.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race